Frequently asked questions

You can find answers to frequently asked questions here. If you can’t find your question here, please do not hesitate to contact us on 020 555 5495 or send an e-mail to We’d be happy to help you!

Frequently asked questions

What is the Sarphati Cohort?

The Sarphati Cohort is a large-scale and innovative study. The study enables part of the data exchanged during the consultation between parents of Amsterdam children and doctors and nurses from the Parent and Child Team to be used anonymously for scientific research. Questionnaires and additional research can also give insight into the development of Amsterdam children. This is only possible with explicit parental consent. You can give your consent to take part in the Sarphati Cohort via the Sarphati App or via the website.

What does taking part in the Sarphati Cohort entail?

Taking part in the Sarphati Cohort means that you give your consent to make some of your child’s healthcare data available anonymously for research purposes. You’ll also receive a short questionnaire once or twice a year, until your child is four years. It’s not compulsory to complete the questionnaire, but it will help us do better research. You can take part for as long as you want.

How do we handle privacy?

You can expect us to handle your child’s data with care. Your child’s data will be given a code number for the research and will then be used anonymously for scientific research. Anonymous means that the researchers can never view your personal data or the data of your child. This also means that Youth Health Care does not have access to the information that you enter in the study questionnaires. You can read more about privacy here. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us! We’d be happy to help you!

What kind of questions do we ask in the questionnaire?

The questionnaires concern topics that are associated with the health and growth of children, such as exercise, sleeping, nutrition, parenting and background characteristics. The questionnaires vary in length. This depends on your child’s age. Most questionnaires will take 5 to 10 minutes to complete. The longest questionnaire will take around 20 minutes. This all takes place digitally.

How long does taking part in the Sarphati Cohort encounter?

Of course we hope that parents will take part for as long as possible. This will give us the most complete picture of the factors that can influence the growth of city children. This means that, after parental consent, children can take part from birth until they are 18 years. Parents can decide how long they want to take part. If you no longer want to take part, you can withdraw your consent quickly and easily via the Sarphati App or via the web version of the app. Participation ends automatically if the family moves away from Amsterdam and no longer receives care from Youth Health Care Amsterdam.

What do I need to do to take part in the Sarphati Cohort?

You can arrange to take part in the Sarphati Cohort easily via the Sarphati App or Do you have parental authority as parent or guardian? Then you can log in with your DigiD and give your consent for your child(ren) to take part. If you’re uncertain or need help with registering, call or e-mail us on 020 555 5495 or via cohort@sarphati.amst. We’d be happy to help you!